Designed by Fondazione De Agostini and the University of Turin, funded by Con i Bambini Impresa Sociale S.r.l, Fondazione De Agostini, Fondazione Alberto e Franca Riva, Fondazione Comunità Novarese and UniCredit Foundation, "compiti@casa, curare le fragilità educative" is a national project that involves 4 regions: Piedmont, Lazio, Campania, and Sicily. This project aims to support, through the method of remote accompaniment, middle school students who need support in learning.
The study support activities take place in a digital learning environment and are conducted by tutors, university students selected through a specific call and appropriately trained by the University of Turin.
Compiti@casa is a targeted educational action, capable of relating to the individual potentials and difficulties of the students involved, through innovative teaching methodologies and digital tools, with young tutors, motivated and prepared, involving in a virtuous triangulation the schools, the university students, and the families of the students.
The students are followed in their personal afternoon study at home for four hours a week: two for the humanities area, two for the scientific area.
The project, which started on October 25, 2024, lasts for 36 months. The action, in the three-year period 2024-2027, targets about 1600 students of the first and second grades of middle schools, with a strong multi-ethnic characterization of peripheral neighborhoods of the cities.
The comprehensive institutes involved in the project are as follows- I.C. Borgomanero – Borgomanero (Novara)
- I.C. Giovanni XXIII – Arona (Novara)
- I.C. Rita Levi Montalcini – Novara
- I.C. Bottacchi – Novara
- I.C. Da Vinci Frank – Torino
- I.C. Colombo – Frattaminore (Napoli)
- I.C. Gobetti De Filippo – Quarto (Napoli)
- I.C. Ristori – Napoli
- I.C. Radice – Napoli
- I.C. Uruguay - Roma
- I.C. Via dei Sesami - Roma
- I.C. Via Savinio - Roma
- I.C. Valle del Velino – Cittàducale (Rieti)
- I.C. Ricci – Rieti
- I.C. Pirandello – Comiso (Ragusa)
- I.C. Puglisi – Acate (Ragusa)
- I.C. Crispi – Ragusa
- I.C. Portella della Ginestra - Vittoria (Ragusa)
- I.C. Caruano - Vittoria (Ragusa)
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